Isnin, 29 Oktober 2012

How to designing blogger mobile template

Every day i'm sharing about blogger tutorial, hmm... i'm so tired for creating post. But i must do that because i'm a blogger, and time is money. So now i'll sharing about how to designing blogger mobile template and the explaination about template structure of mobile template. Ok without many word, i'll share now.

How to activate your own mobile template

For activating is easy, just follow this tutorial

  1. Open and login to, select your blog then click the Template tab.
  2. In template tab, there are a mobile preview, then click the button below that preview.
  3. Then check the  and select the mobile template to custom (if you want to design your own mobile template)
  4. And then save, then backup your template, then edit HTML then proceed.
  5. Now search (CTRL+F) this code:  <body>
  6. Replace that code with this code:
    <body expr:class='&quot;loading&quot; + data:blog.mobileClass'>
  7. Then save template
  8. For temporarily your mobile template is activated, but maybe it's still disordered and not customized


For call the mobile selector in blogger you need to make a like this:
.mobile .class {property: value;}
.mobile #id {property: value;}
for mobile conditional tag is like this:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "data:blog.isMobile"'>

How to make your layout is responsive

For design you need to know CSS of course, and you need to know your template structure.
For responsive style, i'll tell you some basic for responsive design.
If you want to make your wrapper is responsive, the first important thing is the #outer-wrapper. Then for make #outer-wrapper is responsive, you can use like this: 
.mobile #outer-wrapper {max-width: 630px; width: auto;}
.mobile #outer-wrapper, .mobile #main-wrapper, .mobile #sidebar-wrapper {float: none; width: auto;}

How to edit mobile HTML post layout

The mobile HTML post layout is in post widget, if you want to edit the layout, just edit like this:

Mobile HTML homepage:
<b:includable id='mobile-index-post' var='post'>

Mobile HTML item page (post):
<b:includable id='mobile-post' var='post'>

How to display widget in mobile

For displaying ONLY in mobile, in the
<b:widget> tag, just add this attribute:

For displaying widget in desktop and in mobile, in the
<b:widget> tag, just add this attribute:

Ok that is the basic, maybe i'll update the advanced tutorial.... special thanks to Mas Sugeng for idea and inspiration, without him, i'll never know about mobile template in blogger

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